


Fish Tale Restoration LLC is a small Montana-based consulting firm that specializes in the restoration of cold-water trout streams. Here at Fish Tale, we 1) assess both wild trout populations and habitat limitations in damaged streams, 2) develop restoration plans that are individually tailored to the limiting factors, and 3) restore wild trout habitat to the optimal site potential of the natural stream system. Depending on the specific nature of the problem, we bring a highly qualified team to help develop/implement restoration projects. In addition to assessment and design, we offer agency/landowner coordination, permitting services, construction oversight, effectiveness monitoring and biological evaluation.


RON PIERCE - owner of Fish Tale Restoration

Ron Pierce is an AFS certified emeritus restoration biologist with 35 years of fisheries field experience. His restoration work is nationally recognized for helping lead native trout recovery projects in the Blackfoot River Basin for 30 years. Here at Fish Tale, we investigate the adverse effects of land use on riparian/aquatic habitats as well as relationships to stream biota. In other words, we typically investigate how altered channels, low flows, elevated water temperature and sediment, and other human-induced conditions adversely influence trout populations. These types of assessments clarify limiting factors so that biologically effective restoration projects can be tailored to specific site problems. We also monitor and evaluate completed restoration project using aquatic habitat, fish populations and/or other biotic metrics.  Our approach is ecologically comprehensive, broadly published and highly applicable to the ecological restoration of damaged trout streams.