We often begin projects with fish population surveys.
We assess the entire fish community, including rare indicator species like bull trout.
Projects usually have a strong native trout component.
Macroinvertebrates provide key information on sediment, water temperature, nutrients and overall habitat integrity. The collections are easy and cost effective.
Habitat assessment focus on site conditions that limit trout production The spawning gravel survey shown her found high sediment loads and very low egg-to-fry survival.
Though we work on private land, most projects have public value. When this is the case, agency specialists and conservation groups often assist with the project.
We’ll often put a team together of hydrologists, geomorphologists, GIS experts to help assess and design the more complex projects.
Fish Tale works very closely with Dave Rosgen and with skilled constractors like Westslope Excavation.
Here, Dave Rosgen is overseeing the reconstruction of a high-gradient B4/C4 stream.
Landowners are ecouraged to help in the data collections. In this example, we're like to track our project through the biological recovery phase.
Assessments often include spawning-related surveys, including redd counts.
Once the project is completed, we "survey" our stream projects with a fly rod.
We caught this guy on a restoration project in Colorado.
Another restoration success story!
Paul Roos, a friend, mentor and an inspirational leader in river conservation. He helped start the Blackfoot River Restoration Program.